The initial furlough period came to an end on the 31st of May 2020. If you have been directed to this page, the company would like to extend your furlough period. Please kindly complete the form below.
You can direct any queries or concerns to your manager.
The ERS Scheme launched by the Government has allowed Axelman Group companies to avoid mass redundancies.
We would like to reassure you that, even if your employment is furloughed, we are determined to do whatever we can to protect all Axelman Group Companies, your jobs and to reopen and plan to bring people back into work once the situation has improved. Please look out for further updates and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or concerns.
Whilst you are furloughed you will remain employees of the Group Company.
The Government is determined for us to resume business and for our employee’s to return to work once we determine they should. Once the furlough period has ended employees will be expected to resume their employment with the company. When furlough ends will vary from employee to employee and from company to company. As per Government advice resumption for employee’s could be on a full-time or part time basis as per the needs of the company. Your role may change and you may be expected to take on new roles and responsibilities as the nature of services the business needs to provide may be different once this crisis is over.
If you have taken on employment elsewhere during this crisis your right to furlough payments may be affected.
Please complete the form below with your acceptance of your furlough extension. Once you have completed the form your can assume that your furlough is active unless your manager contacts you with any query or other.